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A Dream that Became a Reality

11 years of growth and transformation.

Harmoniousinfinity was born from a vocation and a passion.

From a combination of 2 meaningful words to me,

Harmony & Infinity

With the idea and philosophy of finding Harmony between the physical and spiritual realities

Because we have been fighting each other for way too long.

"One side" fighting the "other side" and vice versa

When the truth is that both are part of the Whole.

I am grateful for this ride

I am grateful for each one of the people who has trusted me as their therapist and teacher.

I am blessed to see the transformation of other humans right in front of my eyes.

I am honored to witness the inner and most vulnerable sides of my clients, because that is where we are truly connected . 

That is where we connect as Human Beings, and all external differences do not matter. 

When you are listened to and accepted as you are completely vulnerable and you are simply being welcomed completely as you are in that moment, when you are being witnessed with compassion by another being.. 

You heal, you transform.

Harmoniousinfinity has been my guide

It was a bigger idea that kept me coming back to integrity.

To choosing what is right over what is easy.

To keep being of service no matter how hard things can get.

To not sell my soul

To being professional

To staying honest

To doing what is in the best interest of the person that is looking for help /the client /the patient and not manipulate or take advantage ..

These 11 years have been full of growth, challenges,  surprises and turns

And it is all good!!

I am grateful for the people who have stood by my side.

The loyal followers, learners and listeners that want to keep growing and healing!

I am proud of myself for believing in me over and over.

One thing you learn when you follow your dreams is that YOU have to believe in YOU .

Because there will be moments when you will feel that no one believes in your madness.

Because that is how most people around you will see Your deepest dreams, Like madness.


If you know what dream you want to create next in your life. 

DO NOT Listen to those who give you “reasons” not to do it. 

If it is a dream that lives in your heart. That you know it will bring JOY into your self and life. 

Believe in you, trust in you, trust in life, trust in the universe.

Stop listening to those who are afraid of seeing you fly.

May you have the courage to listen and follow your wildest dreams!

Those that are deep rooted in your Center.

Magic is Real.




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       These sessions and workshops are not a replacement for medical or psychiatric treatment or services.  


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